Anything green is basically all you can eat. Loaded with nutrients, fiber and antioxidants.
Carbs are important for weight loss and health. Plant foods should make up 50-75% of your diet
Never eat carbs alone
- Combine them with protein and fat in every meal
- Apple with nuts
- Whole grains with fish or chicken or fat
- Veggies with fiber
- Plate by Zumba™ is a low GL program
- Green foods are low GL
- Slows the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream
- Secret to eating meals with a low GL
- Fiber is a sponge that soaks up sugar in your gut and slows down the digestion process
What is fiber?
- Plant roughage
- Fiber is only found in plants (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and legumes)
Why is fiber important?
- Weight loss: fiber is filling with little calories
- 14g of fiber cuts calories by 10%
Insoluble Fiber
- Does not dissolves in water
- Keeps you full faster and helps food pass through digestive tract (prevents
Good sources of fiber
- High fiber diet is important for health.
- Fiber is cancer fighting. Fiber removes excess hormones from the body.